ADMSEP's NRMP Match related resources

Advising Students for the Match

Proposed Standardized Letter of Recommendation and Template

Psychiatry will be participating in supplemental applications and program signaling.

This process was introduced into ERAS in Match 2022 as a way to help applicants provide additional information that programs may use in review of applicants.

AAMC information on ERAS 2023: []

2022 preparation resources (again, updates will come out for 2023): []

Supplemental applications
-applicants will be asked questions about geographic preference, their most meaningful experiences and other impactful life events
-there will be character limits (300-750 words)
-all programs that opt-in to supplemental applications will see a student's data

Program signals
Psychiatry will have 5; Med/Psych will have 2
Applicants can opt in or out of signaling.
A program only sees if the applicant has signaled that specific program - This is a key point that you will want to share with applicants - it may reduce anxiety.

If an applicant is applying to multiple specialties, they can submit to those separately.
(i.e. if applying to Psychiatry and Peds - they can signal 5 Psychiatry Programs and 5 Peds programs)

There are also a series of data reports about supplemental applications from ERAS 2022: []

AAMC will be updating their process and providing guidance for applicants, advisors, and program directors.

Looking forward to conversations on how we best advise medical students in this new space.


Please feel free to peruse the:

-The Proposal of a Standardized Letter of Recommendation (SLOR) for Psychiatry Residency Applicants

-*Updated Standardized Letter of Recommendation (SLOR) Template for Psychiatry Residency Applicants* (download)

   -Two example Standardized Letter of Recommendations (SLOR):
   Example 1 SLOR (download)
   Example 2 SLOR (download)

-*Updated Frequently Asked Questions, Tips, and Perspectives: Writing a Standardized Letter of Recommendation in Psychiatry (download)

Feedback: Are you willing to discuss your experiences using the SLOR with us? Please enter your information here
[]. We would be grateful for your valuable input!

Psychiatry Residency Personal Statement

Brief, general advice to guide medical students applying for psychiatry residency. See here